Hello hueandme There are a few post in the forum that address the subject. Are there any suggestions as to how I can get answers. Very frustrating as this is a major part of my business and I am losing valuable work time. I clicked on the 'contact customer support' from the actual warning message and am taken to the screen to start the online chat. I have tried to initiate an online chat with corel, but there seems to be no one available for online chat.
I didn't think that the version I have is illegal, I registered it with a serial number and have been using it for the past 6 months with no problems. It seems that the switch to viewer mode has happened and I also can't see my macros. The message states that I may have an illegal copy, offers me to purchase an upgrade, and threatens to switch to 'viewer mode'. I've been receiving a warning message when I open CorelDraw.